Here is the Python code that I used to show that there is a strategy with a 2-qubit state share by Alice and Bob to win the CHSH game with a probability that is larger than if they had classical bits instead.
I used SymPy to do the symbolic calculations. In the future, I would love to do a numerical simulation of the quantum game. First you import SymPy and enable pretty printing:
import sympy as sym
You create some symbols for using in expressions.
alpha, beta = sym.symbols('alpha beta')
alpha0, alpha1 = sym.symbols('alpha0 alpha1')
beta0, beta1 = sym.symbols('beta0 beta1')
The 1-qubit state vectors are just 2-dimensional vectors. Here are some functions that return the two ortho-normal basis states:
def bra0(theta):
return sym.Matrix([[sym.cos(theta), sym.sin(theta)]])
def bra1(theta):
return sym.Matrix([[sym.sin(theta), -sym.cos(theta)]])
def ket0(theta):
return bra0(theta).T
def ket1(theta):
return bra1(theta).T
You can use the sym.tensor.tensorproduct
function to compute the tensor product and get the 2-qubit basis states:
def ketA0B0(a, b):
return sym.Matrix(sym.tensor.tensorproduct(bra0(a), bra0(b)))
def ketA0B1(a, b):
return sym.Matrix(sym.tensor.tensorproduct(bra0(a), bra1(b)))
def ketA1B0(a, b):
return sym.Matrix(sym.tensor.tensorproduct(bra1(a), bra0(b)))
def ketA1B1(a, b):
return sym.Matrix(sym.tensor.tensorproduct(bra1(a), bra1(b)))
def braA0B0(a, b):
return ketA0B0(a,b).T
def braA0B1(a, b):
return ketA0B1(a,b).T
def braA1B0(a, b):
return ketA1B0(a,b).T
def braA1B1(a, b):
return ketA1B1(a,b).T
It is also convenient to introduce the four Bell states:
braPhiP = sym.Matrix([[1,0,0,1]]) / sym.sqrt(2)
braPhiN = sym.Matrix([[1,0,0,-1]]) / sym.sqrt(2)
braPsiP = sym.Matrix([[0,1,1,0]]) / sym.sqrt(2)
braPsiN = sym.Matrix([[0,1,-1,0]]) / sym.sqrt(2)
ketPhiP = braPhiP.T
ketPhiN = braPhiN.T
ketPsiP = braPsiP.T
ketPsiN = braPsiN.T
Here ketPhiP
stands for |Φ+⟩ and ketPhiN
stands for |Φ−⟩. There are to distinct contributions to probabilities given by the following functions:
def p1(a, b, ket):
return ((braA0B0(a, b) @ ket)[0,0])**2 + ((braA1B1(a, b) @ ket)[0,0])**2
def p2(a, b, ket):
return ((braA0B1(a, b) @ ket)[0,0])**2 + ((braA0B1(a, b) @ ket)[0,0])**2
Here @
is the matrix multiplication operator. The probability of winning the game as a function of the two sets of angles is calculated by the following function:
def p_win(a0, a1, b0, b1, ket):
return (p1(a0, b0, ket) + p1(a0, b1, ket) + p1(a1, b0, ket) + p2(a1, b1, ket)) / 4
You can check that certain values for the set of angles give a maximal probability. You can get a numerical result:
sym.simplify(p_win(alpha0, alpha1, beta0, beta1, ketPhiP)).subs([
(alpha0, 0),
(alpha1, sym.pi/4),
(beta0, sym.pi/8),
(beta1, -sym.pi/8),
Or you can get a symbolic result:
sym.simplify(p_win(alpha0, alpha1, beta0, beta1, ketPhiN)).subs([
(alpha0, 0),
(alpha1, sym.pi/4),
(beta0, -sym.pi/8),
(beta1, sym.pi/8),
Both of these give the maximal amount of probability: