M.E. Irizarry-Gelpí

Physics impostor. Mathematics interloper. Husband. Father.

arXiv picks for 2017, week 41

In no particular order:

  1. Four-dimensional regularization of higher-order computations: FDU approach
  2. Color-suppression of non-planar diagrams in bosonic bound states
  3. Holographic Scattering Amplitudes
  4. All tree level scattering amplitudes in Chern-Simons theories with fundamental matter
  5. A Second Look at String-Inspired Models for Proton-Proton Scattering via Pomeron Exchange
  6. M5-Brane and D-Brane Scattering Amplitudes
  7. Bounds on OPE Coefficients from Interference Effects in the Conformal Collider
  8. Spacetime as a quantum many-body system
  9. Beyond Amplitudes' Positivity and the Fate of Massive Gravity
  10. Lectures on Three-point Functions in \(N=4\) Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory
  11. Combinatorial Factorization