In no particular order:
- All higher curvature gravities can be bootstrapped from their linearizations
- Analytic continuation and numerical evaluation of the kite integral and the equal mass sunrise integral
- Classical gluon and graviton radiation from the bi-adjoint scalar double copy
- Gauge invariant three-point amplitudes in higher spin gauge theory
- Numerical calculations on the relative entanglement entropy in critical spin chains
- Numerical binary black hole mergers in dynamical Chern-Simons: I. Scalar field
- Quantum field theory of a hyper-complex scalar field on a commutative ring
- Solving the Schwarzian via the Conformal Bootstrap
- The \(c=1\) String Theory S-Matrix Revisited
- The large-\(N\) limit for two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory
- From 4d Ambitwistor Strings to On Shell Diagrams and Back