M.E. Irizarry-Gelpí

Physics impostor. Mathematics interloper. Husband. Father.

arXiv picks for 2017, week 19

In no particular order:

  1. Bootstrapping 3D Fermions with Global Symmetries
  2. Gluing Ladders into Fishnets
  3. Unifying Relations for Scattering Amplitudes
  4. The four-loop non-planar cusp anomalous dimension in \(N = 4\) SYM
  5. Conformal Bootstrap in the Regge Limit
  6. Holography and Koszul duality: the example of the \(M_{2}\) brane
  7. Bulk Phase Shift, CFT Regge Limit and Einstein Gravity
  8. Holographic Reconstruction of AdS Exchanges from Crossing Symmetry
  9. Infrared Divergences in QED, Revisited
  10. Charting the space of 3D CFTs with a continuous global symmetry