In no particular order:
- The String BCJ Relations Revisited and Extended Recurrence relations of Nonrelativistic String Scattering Amplitudes
- The \(\mathcal{N}=4\) Supergravity NMHV six-point one-loop amplitude
- F-theory with zeroth-quantized ghosts
- Positive Signs in Massive Gravity
- Towards a four-loop form factor
- Classical conformal blocks
- Lattice and string worldsheet in AdS/CFT: a numerical study
- An Effective Field Theory for Forward Scattering and Factorization Violation
- The Effective Field Theorist's Approach to Gravitational Dynamics
- EPFL Lectures on Conformal Field Theory in \(D \geq 3\) Dimensions
- Pomeron and Odderon Regge Trajectories from a Dynamical Holographic Model
- Pauli-Lubanski, Supertwistors, and the Superspinning Particle
- Conformal Field Theories and Deep Inelastic Scattering
- Quark--anti-quark potential in \(N=4\) SYM