In no particular order:
- Matrix pentagons
- One Loop Mass Renormalization of Unstable Particles in Superstring Theory
- Strong Coupling and Classicalization
- Exploring Perturbative Conformal Field Theory in Mellin space
- Melnikov's method in String Theory
- Softness, Polynomial Boundedness and Amplitudes' Positivity
- Perturbation Theory in Supersymmetric QED: Infrared Divergences and Gauge Invariance
- Nnaturalness
- Stochastic Feynman Rules for Yang-Mills Theory on the Plane
- M-strings in thermodynamic limit: Seiberg-Witten geometry
- Redundancy of the Large Gauge Symmetries for QED
- Graviton and gluon scattering from first principles
- Unitarity of Superstring Field Theory