M.E. Irizarry-Gelpí

Physics impostor. Mathematics interloper. Husband. Father.

arXiv picks for 2016, week 22

In no particular order:

  1. The Polynomial Form of the Scattering Equations is an H-Basis
  2. Entanglement harvesting from the electromagnetic vacuum with hydrogen-like atoms
  3. Boson Stars in a Theory of Complex Scalar Fields coupled to \(U(1)\) Gauge Field and Gravity
  4. Spinor-Helicity Three-Point Amplitudes from Local Cubic Interactions
  5. Softness and Amplitudes' Positivity for Spinning Particles
  6. MCMC with Strings and Branes: The Suburban Algorithm
  7. Topology and geometry cannot be measured by an operator measurement in quantum gravity
  8. Revisiting instanton corrections to the Konishi multiplet
  9. Two-loop six gluon all plus helicity amplitude
  10. Analytic Representations of Yang-Mills Amplitudes
  11. Equivariant Verlinde algebra from superconformal index and Argyres-Seiberg duality
  12. Aspects of non-associative structures in physics
  13. Boson Stars in a Theory of Complex Scalar Field coupled to Gravity