In no particular order:
- On the Computation of Form Factors in Massless QCD with Finite Master Integrals
- Non-Abelian Binding Energies from the Lightcone Bootstrap
- Loops in exceptional field theory
- The three-loop cusp anomalous dimension in QCD and its supersymmetric extensions
- On critical exponents without Feynman diagrams
- S-Duality and Helicity Amplitudes
- An Algebraic Approach to the Analytic Bootstrap
- On the global symmetries of 6D superconformal field theories
- Supertwistor description of the \(AdS\) pure spinor string
- Remarks on the Convergence Properties of the Conformal Block Expansion
- Glueball Decay in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto Model and Finite Quark Masses