M.E. Irizarry-Gelpí

Physics impostor. Mathematics interloper. Husband. Father.

arXiv picks for 2015, week 44

In no particular order:

  1. On the Computation of Form Factors in Massless QCD with Finite Master Integrals
  2. Non-Abelian Binding Energies from the Lightcone Bootstrap
  3. Loops in exceptional field theory
  4. The three-loop cusp anomalous dimension in QCD and its supersymmetric extensions
  5. On critical exponents without Feynman diagrams
  6. S-Duality and Helicity Amplitudes
  7. An Algebraic Approach to the Analytic Bootstrap
  8. On the global symmetries of 6D superconformal field theories
  9. Supertwistor description of the \(AdS\) pure spinor string
  10. Remarks on the Convergence Properties of the Conformal Block Expansion
  11. Glueball Decay in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto Model and Finite Quark Masses