Lots of hard work during at the end of the summer! In no particular order:
- Segmented Strings in \(AdS_{3}\)
- Infrared multiphoton resummation in quantum electrodynamics
- ABJM Amplitudes in U-gauge and a Soft Theorem
- Conformal Invariance in the Long-Range Ising Model
- Stress-tensor OPE in N=2 Superconformal Theories
- Wilson loops at strong coupling for curved contours with cusps
- Proof of a modular relation between 1-, 2- and 3-loop Feynman diagrams on a torus
- Recursion Relations for Conformal Blocks
- Magnetic Corrections to the Soft Photon Theorem
- Worldsheet dilatation operator for the \(AdS\) superstring
- Classification of Argyres-Douglas theories from M5 branes
- Quantum Gravity Constraints from Unitarity and Analyticity
- Relativistic few-body methods
- The Information Paradox for Black Holes
- On supergravity theories, after ~40 years