M.E. Irizarry-Gelpí

Physics impostor. Mathematics interloper. Husband. Father.

Many-Body Sudakov Decompositions

In spacetime you can have null energy-momentum vectors, with vanishing Minkowski norm,

$$ \left\Vert p \right\Vert^{2} \equiv -E^{2} + \left\vert \mathbf{p} \right\vert^{2} = 0; $$

and non-null energy-momentum vectors. The non-null momenta can either be slow,

$$ \left\Vert p \right\Vert^{2} \equiv -E^{2} + \left\vert \mathbf{p} \right\vert^{2} = - m^{2}, \qquad m > 0; $$

or fast,

$$ \left\Vert p \right\Vert^{2} \equiv -E^{2} + \left\vert \mathbf{p} \right\vert^{2} = w^{2}, \qquad w > 0. $$

Massive quanta carry slow momenta; tachyons carry fast momenta. It is possible, however, to use null momenta to describe non-null momenta. If \(a\) and \(b\) are null vectors with \(a \cdot b \neq 0\), then a non-null vector \(p\) can be written as

$$ p = a + \frac{\left\Vert p \right\Vert^{2}}{2 \left(a \cdot b \right)} b. $$

Here \(a\) and \(b\) are called Sudakov vectors and this expression for \(p\) is called a Sudakov (null) decomposition. As \(\left\Vert p \right\Vert^{2}\) approaches zero, the non-null vector \(p\) approaches the null vector \(a\), so the null limit is well-defined. Note that the "content" of \(p\) is carried by both \(a\) and \(b\).

In many-body scattering processes you typically have \(M + N\) momenta with \(M\) of these being non-null and \(N\) being null. Naively, you can introduce two null vectors for each non-null vector and end with a total of \(2M + N\) null vectors. This seems like too much. Alternatively, you can "recycle" some of the null vectors once such that the total number of null vectors is at most \(M + N\). The process of taking \(M\) non-null vectors and introducing \(M\) null vectors to describe the \(M\) non-null vectors is called a Sudakov \(M\)-decomposition.

In this page you will find my notes on many-body Sudakov decompositions.


The simplest example is the Sudakov 2-decomposition:

The Sudakov 2-decomposition can be used in any scattering process with more than two external quanta:


With three non-null momenta you have two options. You can perform a contiguous Sudakov 3-decomposition:

Or you can perform a recursive Sudakov 3-decomposition:

The difference between these two Sudakov 3-decompositions is that the recursive one involves composite momenta. I will mostly study the contiguous case. The Sudakov 3-decomposition can be used in any scattering process with more than two external quanta:


Things get very complicated with four non-null momenta:

The Sudakov 4-decomposition can be used in any scattering process with more than three external quanta: